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About Me

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ModdyLP - Niklas

General about me

Welcome to my website,

I am Niklas and currently 27 years old. The world is For me a huge collection of objects, which exist in instances with different attributes and methods. However, there are also factors which cannot be expressed by logical constructs. Nevertheless, the consideration as such is interesting. In my spare time I am involved in the development of small to medium-sized software systems that can perform a wide variety of tasks. Furthermore, I am exploring and learning the instrument guitar for some time now. If the day was stressful, or I just feel like focusing my thoughts on a completely different topic, you will find me playing a computer game. Currently high on my list is Overwatch 2. But I also play simulators and strategy games. When it comes to books, I’m interested in the genres of fantasy and SiFi.


I’ve been developing in different languages for a few years now, so I’ve already had some experience. I am mainly known under the name ModdyLP/ModdyPlays, which developed some time ago during school.

I know the following languages by now:
Java, Kotlin, PHP, JavaScript, C#

In addition, there are other languages, which I have only briefly touched upon and therefore do not list here as knowledge.


  1. Junior Software Engineer

    ESG Elektroniksystems- und Logistik GmbH

    01.2023 until Today
  2. Junior Software Developer

    ESG InterOp Solutions GmbH

    06.2019 until 12.2022

Apprenticeships and studies

  1. Master of Science - Business Informatics

    Universität Oldenburg

    10.2022 until Today
  2. Bachelor of Science - Business Informatics

    Note: 1,48

    Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven

    09.2019 until 07.2022
  3. Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung

    Note: 2,30

    ESG InterOp Solutions GmbH

    10.2018 until 06.2019
  4. Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung

    H & D GmbH

    08.2016 until 10.2018


Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer

SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Foundation & Integration with SAP ERP 6.07
